
Monday, December 8, 2014

A Look at Our Guest Room Progress


Transitioning to a new home leads to lots of to dos (you can see the whole slew of them here), but in this season of Advent my heart is convicted that maybe "getting it all done" isn't all its cracked up to be. As I created a place to rest for my guests yesterday, I felt the Lord tugging at my own heart and asking "where is your place of rest this season?" I confess that I have been more of a Martha - trying to get it all done, than a Mary - sitting at the feet of the Lord. (If you are unfamiliar, here is the story of Mary and Martha). He too wants me to rest before Him, especially in this time before Christmas.

I am grateful for the opportunity to create a space where others can come and rest in this season before Christmas. This room transition was simple since we were able to remix some of the same elements from our old bedroom to create a lovely place for our guests. If you remember, this is what the guest room looked like before we moved in:


 My prayer is that each of us would find a moment to rest in this wondrous season before Christmas. I hope you enjoyed this place of rest I created yesterday for my guests, and will feel freedom to put down your to do list and sit at the feet of the Lord today.

You can view the source list for our Master Bedroom in our home by the creek here.

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