
Friday, January 31, 2014

Kitchen Renovation: How To Repair Plaster Walls

We have referred to "that wall" for quite some time. 
"That wall" has been that wall since demo day in late October of last year.
 In fact, that wall has been around for SO LONG its become a household name. 
"When are we going to fix that wall?"
"The Kitchen is almost entirely done - except for that wall."
"You hardly notice that wall "(and so another week goes by without repairing it!)
"I'm going to hang a picture on that wall so its less noticeable "
(this in fact, makes the undone state of that wall even more obvious)
Which wall? THAT WALL! You know, the one in the kitchen that is hardly noticeable until it is and then you are like "WHOA! what is up with that wall?!"

What's up with that wall is that during demo day, I thought painting over the wallpaper and plaster would be a good time saver - I just really couldn't take anymore wallpaper removal at that point. WRONG-O!
This short cut turned into a long cut. We began the tedious process of removing the wallpaper, which now was sealed to the wall by my grand painting idea. This revealed disastrous chipping plaster walls, faux wood paneling, and just a plain ugly peachy tan and white splattered wall. So began the weeks of neglecting that wall, and the looming question of how DO we fix that wall?

1. Gather Supplies.
Face Mask
Palm Sander (or heavy grit sand paper if you are really brave!)
Joint Compound
Flat Trowel
Patience & Time
Shop Vac or other form of vaccuum (lots of dust)
Drop cloths
Kilz Latex Primer

2. Apply joint compound in a thin layer. filling holes and uneven surfaces.
Allow to dry (every compound is different , read your bucket for exact drying times!).

3. SAND. Make sure the first layer of joint compound is dry. Sand the uneven surface until smooth.
4. Repeat Steps 2 & 3 until the wall is completely even and smooth. (Ty sanded the surface twice)

5. PRIME. Once the sanding is complete, wipe down the wall with a dry cloth and vaccuum the area to remove any dust. Prime the wall using Kilz Latex Primer(our favorite primer, not our favorite cost... a small quart is $15 a pop!)...but man it gets the job done. Allow to dry. Repeat step 5 if necessary (Ty did!)

6. PAINT. Mindful Grey, for us of course.

This finished product had us saying...
Take a  look at that wall!

Credits to Ty for this project. I was basking in the warm sunshine of Miami, Florida while he was at home in the first snow showers of the season while battling that wall. 

Missed our kitchen reveal from start to finish?
Click here, here and here!
Can't Wait: The Kitchen Final Reveal


  1. Amazing transformation! You made "that wall" into "what wall?" in a breeze. You even made it sound so easy to do. Kudos to you for the wonderful job! All the best!

    Allen Hoffman @ Brewer Restoration

    1. Thanks Allen! We really appreciate your encouragement. It was truly a labor of love for Ty, and one of the projects he is most proud of!


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