No matter our circumstances, our past year, our present pains - what if we took the next few days to get dreamy and cast vision over our upcoming year? What if we asked Him: where do you want me to be at the end of 2015? Where do you want to take me? What if we shared some of those thoughts and yearning here with one another? (you can follow her on instagram: jessaconnolly #thosewhodream2015)
Rather than resolving to do one more thing, what if we intentionally prayed over and committed ourselves to a vision for the year. One that we could look back on throughout the year to help realign our lives and ourselves with Christ when life gets a little hectic or throws us a curve ball? Will you come along with me in looking at this year in a new light?
I don't know what your New Year's Resolution list looks like. Maybe it is cluttered with hosting Pampered Chef parties and attending PTO meetings. Maybe you want to get in shape, go to church more, get organized, spend more time with your family, or eat healthy. Maybe it is filled with a lot of "should do's" and "have tos." Whatever it may be, my prayer is for each of us to live lives that are bigger than that list. This year my prayer is that we wouldn't resolve to do anything, but that each of us would be intentional with our time and our year.
In 2014, Ty changed jobs, we sold our fixer upper and bought a new home. We traveled to Seattle, Scotland, Cambodia, China and a few other trips in between. I started Organize Nashville only to put that dream on pause to pursue an opportunity to grow as a nurse in the PICU. We sought counsel, spent time with great friends, and watched some of our best friends move away. This past year has been jam packed full of change. May 2015 be full of enjoying and resting in all the things 2014 brought.
Happy New Year!
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