Meet Liza Canale of Area 2 Trading Co.
See what Liza has to say about her home, where she finds inspiration, and her amazing new(ish) online marketplace for high quality furnishings and accessories:
What is Area 2 Trading Co and how did you get started?
My mother was a sculptor before moving on to become an interior designer and painter. As a result, I have been immersed in the design and art world all of my life. A few years ago my mother asked that I help her sell a few of her nicer things. From there, I began managing estate sales out my garage and an old art studio. I was approached by many friends and neighbors to try and sell their things for them. It soon became apparent that while many people have home furnishings and art that they would like to put up for adoption, most dislike the hassle of estate sales and consignment stores. That is when I decided that Nashville needed an online marketplace for design-loving locals who want to sell old treasures or buy new ones with confidence in both the quality of the products and the transaction.
Thus, Area 2 Trading Company was born!
Where do you get your inspiration?
I find inspiration in visiting other's homes and listening to their likes and dislikes. I always find it fascinating that what one person loves another could have a strong aversion to. Everyone is such their own individual. And of course perusing stores, galleries, and design magazines.
How would you describe your own home?
My home is a home to two boys, a husband, and a dog so it is in constant chaos and never as tidy as I would like! However, I have furniture with clean lines and not a lot of it. So this helps to keep things uncluttered looking. It definitely has a more contemporary feel with a few antiques scattered in the mix. I would rather invest in a few great pieces, whether it be artwork or furniture than a lot of mediocre pieces.
How would you describe your style?
My style is one of classic simplicity. I am of the mindset that less is more. I am much more adventuring in my home design than my fashion design. I always opt for comfort over fashion.
What are project are you currently working on?
Gathering great finds from local Nashvillians to create an eclectic array of offerings on my website. I strive to have a little of everything for everyone's varied tastes.
Although Liza and I have only met via email, I love her outlook on style and decor - Less is more. I'd rather invest in a few great pieces...than a lot of mediocre pieces. She makes buying high quality pieces for your home simple.
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