
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Poll vs Pole vs pole

My Cousin: "Did Caroline ever finish the pole for her bedroom?"   
My Mother in Law: "Katie, a pole in Ty and Caroline's bedroom is none of my business!!!"

And while they may still be debating poll vs pole vs Pole...
The POLL results are in! and SHADES OF GREY is the winner!

We haven't taken the leap into re-painting the room (I am still recovering from painting the entire interior and attempting to paint the exterior) we have reversed our entire bedroom.

 From this....

 to this...and it is amazing! 

We can now see into our beautiful back and side yard.With this new point of view I feel like I am in a whole new room. Who knows, I may even have started to like the color! 
I will keep y'all posted on the paint yet. Although GREY is the top of our list too!
What are your thoughts on the new direction of the room? 

Design Tip: 
Have a room that just doesn't feel right but not in the mood to paint?! 
try rearranging the furniture!

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